How to Navigate Insurance Terminology: Top 10 Key Definitions

Someone who just stepped into the insurance world to purchase premiums would be as clueless as someone learning a new language. This is because the insurance world has a bunch of terminologies that can often fly over an average person's head. Does this mean you should be inclined toward purchasing these premiums? Not.

You navigate the insurance terminologies and understand the common phrases used. If you are on a mission to do the same, we are happy to announce that we have you covered on it. Hop on below to learn the top ten key definitions to help you navigate insurance terminologies.


The Top Ten Definitions to Navigate Your Way Through the Insurance Terminologies

Here are the top ten terms you should understand before hopping into the insurance world:


The all-risk coverage is a type of insurance coverage protects an individual against all forms of losses apart from those expressly excluded in the contract. 

This terminology on many insurance contracts is also labeled as open-perils and is usually in line with commercial, auto, and homeowner insurance. If you see this term on the insurance contract you will sign, we highly suggest diving deep into its elaborate meaning and the extent to which the all-risk policy will cover you with your insurer.

2.Deceleration Pages

The dedication page is a specific section on your insurance policy document, usually on the first page. This deceleration page, or the dec page, contains all kinds of information related to the coverage, limit, deductibles, and effective date of your chosen insurance policy.

This declaration page is attached to your legal insurance document, and when an individual signs it, it clarifies that they have agreed to all the information mentioned on it. Hence, always read your deceleration page exceptionally carefully.


The premium might be the first word you will hear out of your insurer's mouth when you sit at his office desk. This is because the tip is the core foundation of your insurance and the amount which decides the coverage you will receive. The information, in short, is a specific annual or monthly amount charged by an insurance company in return for the lump-sum coverage they would provide or release for you in the future.


When insurance is bought, individuals must pay a specific amount decided beforehand as an insurance premium. There are instances, however, when an individual fails to pay this determined premium every month. While your insurance company occasionally reminds you about your missed payments, they will eventually label it a lapse if you do not reply. The lapse in such a sense would mean that your insurance policy was terminated due to the failure of the premium.


There may be times when you want to add some more benefits to your already existing insurance. This is when the rider term comes into the picture. Your insurance might cover a specific aspect of your life for a standard duration, but with the addition of a rider, this policy could add a few more years.

On the other hand, it may also provide additional benefits other than what your insurance coverage was claiming to cover. Getting a rider is a brilliant idea if you want a few aspects covered that your insurance lacks. However, this is only advisable if you can afford it.



This specific terminology is usually seen in the home insurance sections, and people who have taken up home insurance might be well aware of it. This term refers to a specific amount from the coverage after the deductible is removed, which a policyholder must pay. This particular amount is usually decided in percentages.

7.Calendar Year Deductible

The calendar year deductible is a terminology used in the health insurance sector and is one of the essential definitions you should be aware of. Suppose you are planning on taking up health insurance. In that case, you will be asked to pay a specific amount yearly before the insurance company covers your medical costs for that particular year. The amount you will pay annually would be known as your calendar year deductible.


The appraisal is an estimate of the cost the insurance company will make to determine the value of damage or requirement. This can be used to settle claim dispute violations, to build a home or company from scratch again because it got damaged due to any environmental factor or accident, or to replace an individual's belongings that were ensured.


When you take up life insurance, the insurer will ask who your beneficiary on account would be. Be clear because we will tell you what a beneficiary is. This term refers to individuals who would receive the amount in case of the insurance holder’s death. These can be your children, your spouse, or anyone you feel deserves the amount in your name.

10.Endowment Policy

The endowment policy refers to the payment of claims at either the end of the policy period or when an individual who owns the insurance has passed away. 


The insurance world is full of confusing terms that an average individual sometimes needs help understanding. If you are planning on taking up insurance but want to get a clear head on the many terminologies in this realm, we hope this article was of help. While there are many more terms in insurance, we tried summing up the ten most used for you.